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The Spiritual Foundation for a New Era - Special Workshop with Elohim Transmission and Q&A

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Sign up to receive:

  • Access to the Online Workshop with 550+ spiritual practioners and counting
  • Free Silence and Presence Energy Alignment meditation for you to download and keep
  • Opportunity to apply to Foundations, a life-changing spiritual and energetic training course starting 8/8

July 15th, 09:00 AM Pacific Time

  • 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time: Channeled Elohim Transmission
  • 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Pacific Time: Q&A with Asil


Live Event Video:

Join us for The Spiritual Foundation for a New Era - Special Workshop with Elohim Transmission and Q&A 



This online event will be delivered via LiveStream on YouTube – the link will be sent out to all of those that have RSVPd up until the day before the event. 


Event Schedule:

Saturday, July 15, 2023

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT - Elohim Transmission

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM PT - Q&A with Asil



Humanity is undergoing a great evolutionary change, and it's affecting everyone - everything we believe to be true, our perception of ourselves and of reality is shifting. In this upcoming workshop and transmission, the Elohim will share with us what this change is and how it will affect us, and how can we as humanity evolve to match this change and this transformation


Your spiritual foundation is your sanctuary, your greatest source of power, abundance, and your trust in life.


What you'll receive: 

Elohim Transmission 

Energetic adjustments by the Elohim to strengthen and support your spiritual foundation, allowing for greater presence, trust, and alignment during this time of transformation and awakening 

Talk with Asil in which we'll explore humanity's collective evolution into a new era and what that means. Following that we'll open a Q&A for the audience, as well as an opportunity to learn more about our upcoming advanced-level Foundations Course starting on August 8.

 Your Host



Asil is host and founder of Evolution One. Asil receives and transmits transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual sources of consciousness. This benevolent energy and wisdom is an unconditional gift intended to support humanity’s evolution.

Follow us on social media where we post daily wisdom, snippets of transmissions, and updates on live events