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Join us as we unite for a powerful collective gathering on World Meditation Day, May 21st.

RSVP now and receive your free invite to our special World Meditation Day.

Sign up to receive:

  • Guided meditation and Elohim transmission for World Meditation Day
  • 3 free meditations to deepen the connection to the Earth
  • Summer Solstice transmission at the Bosnian Pyramids on June 21st, 2023
  • Free access to our Sacred Earth Expedition to the Balkans. Including group meditation to realign stored trauma held in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.

Let's join together in global meditation 


May 21st, 9:00 AM Pacific Time

  • 9:00am - 10:00am Pacific Time: Global Meditation & Channeled Transmission
  • Join a guided and silent meditation to honor the harmony of meditation, followed by a world-wide transmission with the Elohim

Watch Asil's invitation:

About Our World Meditation Day Special Event


Sunday, May 21, 2023: 9:00am - 10:30am Pacific Time



This global online event will be delivered via LiveStream on YouTube – the link will be sent out to all of those that have RSVPd up until the day before the event. Feel free to share the invite with loved ones.



Join us for our World Meditation Day event, starting at 9:00am Pacific Time with a global meditation and channeled transmission.

During this event, we will come together with everyone in the world participating in meditation globally.



Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and improve focus. It's more about letting go of the mind than concentrating the mind. This mental relaxation reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and creates space for your immune system to do its job better. While you can meditate alone at home, group meditation has some unique benefits, such as:

1. Developing a habit
It's easy to skip meditation when alone, but a group can encourage you to stick with it.
2. Getting feedback
In a group, you can get feedback on your practice and learn from others.
3. Spiritual support
Group meditation can create a powerful energy that's more effective than meditating alone. It can also have a ripple effect of peace in the surrounding environment.
4. Learning from others
Meditation groups often have people of different levels, so you can learn from each other's experiences and clear up any confusion.
5. Connecting with others
Meditating together can create a real connection with others, and even synchronize brainwaves.
Overall, group meditation is a fun and healthy way to socialize and improve your well-being. It can provide spiritual nourishment and help you develop a consistent meditation practice.

World Meditation Day Host



Asil is host and founder of Evolution One. Asil receives and transmits transformational energy and spoken wisdom from higher and non-dual sources of consciousness. This benevolent energy and wisdom is an unconditional gift intended to support humanity’s evolution.

Follow us on social media, where we will be posting daily wisdom, snippets of transmissions and weekly tips, all related to meditating together